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22. Severe of our banks already provide instant payments, so we are talking about both receiving and sending instant payments. Why haven't more of them been added to this system yet?
The main reason will be the relatively significant costs of adjusting the banking systems themselves. If we take the practical side of how classic payments are made today, there is a time period of hours or a day during which this payment can be made. Banks may not be as fast as in the case of instant payment, we can give this on a typical example. If we make a payment today, the bank will gradually collect all payments from clients during that day. And within the set time zones, it sends these payments for processing to a payment system operated by the National Bank of Slovakia or somehow forwards them to another bank. In the case of instant payments, that is to say, in seconds, the bank must immediately check each individual payment for it to meet the aspects for that payment to be sent and must send each payment individually to the processing system.