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Statement from the 9th meeting of the Bank Board of Národná banka Slovenska

The Bank Board of Národná banka Slovenska today (26 May 2015) held its 9th meeting of 2015, chaired by Jozef Makúch, the NBS Governor.

The Bank Board took note of the NBS Monthly Bulletin – Maj 2015, which will be published on the NBS website.

The Bank Board designated the banks in Slovakia that are to be classified as “other systemically important institutions” (O-SIIs), namely: Československá obchodná banka, a.s., Poštová banka, a.s., Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s., Tatra banka, a.s., and Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s.

The Bank Board also set O-SII buffer rates and systemic risk buffer (SRB) rates for these banks, as follows:

O-SII buffer Systemic risk buffer
Československá obchodná banka, a.s. 2%
Poštová banka, a.s. 2%
Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. 2% 1%
Tatra banka, a.s. 1.5% 1%
Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. 2% 1%

These O-SII buffers and SRBs will start to be implemented in stages from 1 January 2016, with the full rates to take effect from 1 January 2018. Further details about these buffers will be published in decisions of Národná banka Slovenska and in the “Financial Stability Report – May 2015”.

The Bank Board approved the “Financial Stability Report – May 2015”.

The Bank Board approved a Decree of Národná banka Slovenska on how to demonstrate compliance with conditions for the granting of prior approval of Národná banka Slovenska under Article 77(1) of Act No 39/2015 Coll. on insurance, as amended.

Martina Solčányiová
NBS Spokesperson

National Bank of Slovakia
Press and Editorial Section
Imricha Karvasa 1, 813 25 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421-2-5787 2142, +421-2-5865 2142, +421-2-5787 2169, +421-2-5865 2169

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