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- Activity Report of the NBS Innovation Hub Annual Report Economic and Monetary Developments Financial Stability Report Macroprudential Commentary
- Report on the Activities of the Financial Market Supervision Unit Statistical Bulletin Other publications Sign up for your email notifications about publications
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Laws on matters falling within NBS's competence
English translations of Slovak laws and other Slovak legislation of general application are provided here for information purposes only. Only the original Slovak texts published in the Collection of Laws of the Slovak Republic or, in the case of NBS Decrees, in the Journal of Národná banka Slovenska, have legal force. Please note that the most recent amendments of these legal acts may not yet have been translated into English.
The texts of legal acts published on the NBS website are subject to copyright protection under Act No 185/2015 on copyright and rights related to copyright (the Copyright Act) and may not be used for commercial purposes.
Act No 67/2020 on certain extraordinary financial measures in relation to the spread of the dangerous contagious human disease COVID-19
Act No 566/1992 on Národná banka Slovenska,
status as of 1 September 2019
status as of 1 May 2019
status as of 1 January 2019
status as of 1 July 2016
status as of 1 January 2015
status as of 1 November 2010
status as of 1 December 2009
status as of 1 January 2008
Extracts from the Constitution of the Slovak Republic (provisions concerning NBS)
Act No 747/2004 on financial market supervision (and amending certain laws)
Act No 659/2007 on the introduction of the euro in the Slovak Republic (and amending certain laws)
General Act on the Euro and Implementing Regulations
Act No 483/2001 on banks (and amending certain laws)
Act No 371/2014 on resolution in the financial market (and amending certain laws)
Act No 276/2009 on measures to mitigate the effects of the global financial crisis on the banking sector (and amending certain laws)
Act No 186/2009 on financial intermediation and financial advisory services (and amending certain laws)
Act No 492/2009 on payment services (and amending certain laws)
Act No 202/1995 – the foreign exchange act
Act No 118/1996 on the protection of deposits (and amending certain laws)
Act No 310/1992 on home savings
Act No 39/2015 on insurance (and amending certain laws)
Act No 381/2001 on compulsory motor third party liability insurance (and amending certain laws)
Act No 43/2004 on the old-age pension scheme (and amending certain laws)
Act No 530/1990 on bonds
Act No 429/2002 on stock exchanges
Act No 566/2001 on securities and investment services (and amending certain laws)
(the Securities Act)
Act No 203/2011 on collective investment
Act No 650/2004 on the supplementary pension scheme (and amending certain laws)
Act No 129/2010 on consumer credit and on other credit and loans for consumers (and amending certain laws)
Act No 90/2016 on housing loans (and amending certain laws)
Act No 129/2022 on the pan-European personal pension product (and amending certain laws)
Act No 123/2022 on the central register of accounts (and amending certain laws)