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SSP forms
SSP forms
Forms for a direct participant:- 1000_CI-SK_Main_Form [.pdf, 1,9 MB]
- 1012_CI-SK_Sub_form_SWIFTNET_DN_for_ICM [.pdf, 2,19 MB]
- 1013_CI-SK_Sub_form_Wildcard_Rules [.pdf, 1,44 MB]
- 1014_CI-SK_Sub_form_Sub_account [.pdf, 1,55 MB]
- 1015_CI-SK_Sub_form_Contact_Items [.pdf, 1,36 MB]
- 1016_CI-SK_Sub_form_Pooling_of_Liquidity_GoA_Manager [.pdf, 1,65 MB]
- 1017_CI-SK_Sub_form_Pooling_of_Liquidity_GoA_Member [.pdf, 2,31 MB]
- 1018_CI-SK_Sub_form_Direct_Debits [.pdf, 1,63 MB]
- 1019_CI-SK_Sub_form_Banking_group monitoring Main account holder [.pdf, 1,47 MB]
- 1020_CI-SK_Sub_form_Banking_group monitoring Group member [.pdf, 1,43 MB]
- 1102_CI-SK_Sub_form_Co_Management_HAM [.pdf, 1,39 MB]
- 1200_CI-SK_Sub_form_Standing_Facilities [.pdf, 1,18 MB]
- 1400_CI_Sub_form_Mandate_for_billing [.pdf, 1,22 MB]
- 1500 CI Liquidity Management Links.pdf [.pdf, 1032.6 kB]
- C100 Application for the issue of electronic certificates [.pdf, 2,95 MB]
- C110 Information note on protection of personal data [.pdf, 1,24 MB]
- C120 Request for suspension of electronic certificate [.pdf, 2,03 MB]
- C125 Request for reactivation of suspended electronic certificate [.pdf, 2,02 MB]
- C130 Request for revocation of electronic certificates [.pdf, 2,05 MB]
- C135 Request for renewal of electronic certificates [.pdf, 1,66 MB]
- I-1000 CI via Internet Main Form [.pdf, 941 kB]
- I-1012 CI via Internet Sub form ICM [.pdf, 1,37 MB]
- I-1014 CI via Internet Sub form Sub account [.pdf, 1,76 MB]
- I-1015 CI via Internet Sub form Contact Items [.pdf, 2,53 MB]
- I-1018 CI via Internet Sub form Direct Debits.pdf [.pdf, 2,48 MB]
- I-1102 CI via Internet Sub form HAM CoManagement [.pdf, 2,72 MB]
- I-1200 CI via Internet Sub form Registration SF [.pdf, 1,79 MB]
- 2000_AS-SK_ Main_Form_AS [.pdf, 1,46 MB]
- 2001_AS-SK_Settlement_banks [.pdf, 1,64 MB]
- 2002_AS-SK_Mandate [.pdf, 1,21 MB]
- 2003_AS_Application on Cross-AS settlement [.pdf, 1,25 MB]
- 2004_AS_Mandate_for_billing [.pdf, 1,15 MB]
- 2015_AS-SK_Sub_form_Contact_Items [.pdf, 1,23 MB]
- 4000_Indirect-SK_Main_Form [.pdf, 1,21 MB]
- 4013_Indirect-SK_Sub_form_Adressable_BICs [.pdf, 1,42 MB]
- User guide for collection of static data v4.8, [.pdf, 3,20 MB]
- User_guide_for_certificate_forms v1.1, (EN) October 2011 [.pdf, 142 KB]
- User Manual Internet Access for the public key certification service v1.2, October 2014 [.pdf, 91,8 KB]