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Name Decree of Národná banka Slovenska No 7/2018 of 29 May 2018 amending Decree No 10/2016 of Národná banka Slovenska laying down detailed provisions on the assessment of a consumer’s ability to repay a housing loan
Author Národná banka Slovenska
Source website of Národná banka Slovenska
Publication date 1. 6. 2018
Version in force as of This Decree takes effect on 1 July 2018, with the exception of the following: Article I, point 9 (in respect of Section 8a(7) to (9)), which takes effect on 1 October 2018; Article I, point 9 (Section 8a(5)), which takes effect on 1 January 2019; and Article I, point 9 (Section 8a(4)), which takes effect on 1 July 2019.
Additional information:

Full wording of the decree No 10/2016