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Name Decree of Národná banka Slovenska of 28 September 2010 No 17/2010 establishing the requirements of the notice of related parties to an insurance undertaking, reinsurance company, branch of a foreign insurance company and branch of a foreign reinsurance company
Author Národná banka Slovenska
Source Official Journal of Národná banka Slovenska
Publication date 6. 10. 2010
Version in force as of This Decree shall enter into force on 1 November 2010.
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Available only in Slovak Language. Oznámenie o vydaní opatrenia: Zbierka zákonov Slovenskej republiky, čiastka 149/2010 vydaná dňa 7.10.2010, oznámenie č. 389/2010 Z.z., fd994c01-d687-4fdb-a8d2-7927662181c985000enDecree of Národná banka Slovenska of 31 August 2010 No 14/2010 supplementing the Decree of Národná banka Slovenska No 18/2008 on Liquidity of Banks and Branches of Foreign Banks and on Process of Liquidity Risk Management of Banks and Branches of Foreign Banks and on amendment of the Decree of Národná banka Slovenska No 11/2007 on the submission of statements, reports and other disclosures by banks, branches of foreign banks, securities dealers, and branches of foreign securities dealers for supervision and statistical purposes, as amended by Decree No 5/2009 of Národná banka SlovenskaNárodná banka Slovenska14/2010OpatrenieBankovníctvo,Trh cenných papierov – všeobecne,Trh cenných papierov – Obchodníci s cennými papiermiRužičkováPublikovanéSK201010.9.2010 0:00:00″This Decree shall come into effect as of 30 September 2010, except of Article I Clauses 2 and3 that come into effect as of 31 December 2010.”Oznámenie o vydaní opatrenia: Zbierka zákonov Slovenskej republiky, čiastka 141/2010 vydaná dňa 15.9.2010, oznámenie č. 368/2010 Z.z.,