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Name Decree of Národná banka Slovenska of 8 December 2015 No 436/2015 Coll. on the provision of information on transactions with assets in the pension fund and the state of assets in the pension fund by the pension management company and its depositary
Author Národná banka Slovenska
Source Legislative and Information Portal Slov-Lex
Publication date 23. 12. 2015
Version in force as of This Decree shall enter into force on 1 January 2016.
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Available in Slovak language only.

Oznámenie Národnej banky Slovenska o vydaní opatrenia Národnej banky Slovenska z 8. decembra 2015 č. 436/2015 Z. z. o poskytovaní informácií o transakciách s majetkom v dôchodkovom fonde a o stave majetku v dôchodkovom fonde dôchodkovou správcovskou spoločnosťou a jej depozitárom