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Shares of individual banks - April 2008

Shares of individual banks – April 2008 Housing loans 1 Of which: Loans without specified purpose collateralized by real estate
mortgage loans 2 other housing loans building loans 3
Banks with mortgage license 4
Ceskoslovenska obchodna banka 4.87% 5.26% 8.32% 14.71%
Dexia banka 1.67% 3.29% 0.55% 8.34%
Istrobanka 2.27% 4.69% 0.42% 2.98%
OTP 3.54% 7.73%
Slovenska sporitelna 21.52% 8.30% 60.00% 19.66%
Tatra banka 14.85% 32.13% 0.48% 31.12%
UniCredit Bank 3.19% 3.65% 5.13% 2.98%
Volksbank 1.69% 3.22% 0.74% 1.96%
Vseobecna uverova banka 21.52% 31.73% 23.68% 18.08%
Building societes
CSOB stavebna sporitelna 1.12% 4.55%
Prva stavebna sporitelna 20.97% 84.93%
Wustenrot stavebna sporitelna 2.60% 10.52%
Other banks and branches of foreign banks
BRE Bank 0.08% 0.26% 0.15%
Citibank 0.06% 0.21%
HSBC 0.003% 0.01%
ING Bank 0.001% 0.003%
Komercni banka 0.0002% 0.001%
Banco Mais 0.003% 0.01%
Postova banka 0.03% 0.11%
Privatbanka 0.03% 0.09% 0.01%
Source: NBS, Monthly report on stock of loans in SKK and average interest rates; Monthly report on stock of loans in Euro and average interest rates; data covers loans to households (S.143, S144, S145); data in thousands of SKK; data covers all loans provided in SKK and Euro; table does not include loans with 0% interest rate. Data in table includes loans with specified purpose collateralized by real estate (mortgage loans, other housing loans and building loans) and loans without specified purpose collateralized by real estate. 1 Sum of mortgage loans, building loans provided by bulding societes and other housing loans. 2 Market shares of banks in mortgage loans may differ from market shares of outstanding principals of mortgage loans (mentioned in table for mortgage loans provided by mortgage custodians). Mortgage loans (in table for housing loans) contains loans provided to households only whereas mortage loans provided by mortgage custodians (table above) contains loans to all sectors. Data provided by mortgage custodians covers mortgage loans where change of ownerschip was confirmed by cadastral office only. 3 Data includes building loans and intermediary loans provided by building societes. 4 Act on banks Article 2 para 2 (n)