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NBS warning about proof of no debt documents provided through the website of the Central Register of Debtors of the Slovak Republic (CERD)
4 February 2022 | Information for the public
Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) again warns the public about proof of no debt documents provided through the website of Centrálny register dlžníkov SR (Central Register of Debtors of the Slovak Republic – CERD), at the following websites: https://registerdlznikov.sk/ and https://registerofdebtors.com/sk.
As we pointed out in a press release published on 7 June 2019, CERD is not registered as an official register, and it does not have, nor ever has had, access to data from official registers or from their users.
The proof of no debt documents issued by CERD are not recognised by financial institutions, since they do not contain factual information about the financial obligations of the person concerned. We therefore advise people not to register with the CERD websites for that purpose.
Anyone wishing to obtain information about their current financial obligations is advised to use official registers. Further details about these registers can be found here on the NBS website.