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Other consultation papers
This page lists consultation papers published on the websites of institutions other than ESMA and Národná banka Slovenska. Comments on these papers may be sent by e-mail to the address given in the respective paper.
Publication date | Issuing institution | Title | Deadline for responses |
20.5.2022 | European Commission | Targeted consultation on the regime applicable to the use of benchmarks administered in a third country | 12.8.2022 |
4.4.2022 | European Commission | Targeted consultation on the functioning of the ESG ratings market in the EU and on the consideration of ESG factors in credit ratings | 6.6.2022 |
Publication date | Issuing institution | Title | Deadline for responses |
19.11.2021 | European Commission | Call for evidence on the Listing Act – making public capital markets more attractive for EU companies and facilitating access to capital for SMEs public consultation and targeted consultation | 11.2.2022 consultation closed |
21.10.2021 | EBA, ESMA, EIOPA | Call for evidence on the European Commission mandate regarding the PRIIPs regulation ESMA website for details | 16.12.2021 consultation closed |
Publication date | Issuing institution | Title | Deadline for responses |
30.9.2015 | European Commission | Public consultation on covered bonds in the European Union |
6.1.2016 consultation closed |
18.2.2015 | European Commission | GREEN PAPER – Building a Capital Markets Union |
13.5.2015 consultation closed |
18.2.2015 | European Commission | Consultation on the review of the Prospectus Directive |
13.5.2015 consultation closed |
18.2.2015 | European Commission | Consultation document – An EU framework for simple, transparent and standardised securitisation |
13.5.2015 consultation closed |
Date of publication | Publishing institution | Name of consultation document | Deadline for the submission of contributions |
24.7.2014 | EBA, ESMA, EIOPA | Joint Consultation Paper – Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on risk concentration and intra-group transactions under Article 21a (1a) of the Financial Conglomerates Directive |
consultation closed |
12.3.2014 | EBA, ESMA, EIOPA |
Guidelines on the convergence of practices aimed at ensuring consistency of supervisory coordination arrangements for financial conglomerates more |
consultation closed |
Date of publication | Publishing institution | Name of consultation document | Deadline for the submission of contributions |
3.10.2013 | European Commission | Consultation document on Crowdfunding in the EU – Exploring the added value of potential EU action for further details, see the website of the EC |
31.12.2013 consultation closed |
26.4.2013 | European Commission | Consultation on the review of the European System of Financial Supervision for further details, see the website of the EC |
consultation closed |
11.4.2013 | CPSS IOSCO |
CPSS-IOSCO consultative report on Authorities’ access to trade repository data for further details, see the website of the IOSCO |
consultation closed |
21.3.2013 | IOSCO |
Consultation Report on Regulatory Issues Raised by Changes in Market Structure for further details, see the website of the IOSCO |
consultation closed |
Date of publication | Publishing institution | Name of consultation document | Deadline for the submission of contributions |
05.09.2012 | European Commission |
Consultation Document on the Regulation of Indices for further details, see the website of the EC |
consultation closed |
26.07.2012 | European Commission |
Undertakings for collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) – Product Rules, Liquidity Management, Depositary, Money Market Funds, Long-term Investments for further details, see the website of the EC |
consultation closed |