NBS warning: The activities of the company MINIHOTOVOST, SE offering loans through the website www.minipozicka.sk
Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) warns the public about the activity of the company MINIHOTOVOST, SE, having its registered office at náměstí T. G. Masaryka 2392/17, 690 02 Břeclav, the Czech Republic (hereinafter also referred to as ‘the company’). The company offers financial loans to consumers through the Slovak-language website www.minipozicka.sk
Národná banka Slovenska points out that it has not issued the company any authorisation to provide consumer credits and other credits and loans for consumers in Slovakia.
The company also operates other websites with the .sk domain: www.minihotovost.sk, www.minipeniaze.sk, www.mudrapozicka.sk, www.najrychlejsiepozicky.sk, www.okamzitepeniaze.sk, www.peniazebezdokladov.sk, www.peniazebezrucitela.sk, www.peniazecezinternet.sk, www.peniazeceznet.sk, www.peniazecezsms.sk, www.peniazedoruky.sk, www.peniazehned.sk, www.poctivapozicka.sk, www.pozicka.sk, www.pozickaokamzite.sk, and www.pozickaren.sk.
Consumer credits and other credits and loans for consumers may be provided in Slovakia only under an authorisation issued by Národná banka Slovenska in accordance with Article 20(1) and Article 24(3) of Act No 129/2010 Coll. on consumer credits and on other credits and loans for consumers (and amending certain laws), as amended.
Národná banka Slovenska continues to warn potential customers to carefully consider with which entity they enter into a contractual relationship and to check the entity’s authorisation on the NBS website, at: subjekty.nbs.sk.
National Bank of Slovakia
Communications Section
Imricha Karvasa 1, 813 25 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421-2-5787 2142, +421-2-5865 2142, +421-2-5787 2169, +421-2-5865 2169
Internet: https://nbs.sk
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