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Resolution teams and resolution colleges

Members of the Resolution Council regularly participate in activities of the internal resolution teams and resolution colleges established around individual cross-border financial groups.

Internal resolution teams (IRTs) are composed of members of the Single Resolution Board (SRB) and staff of the national resolution authorities of those euro area countries in which the cross-border group’s parent undertaking or subsidiaries are incorporated. Resolution teams have been established for institutions that are directly under the competence of the SRB within the Single Resolution Mechanism.

Resolution colleges are composed of staff of the national resolution authorities of all countries in which the parent undertaking or a subsidiary of the given cross-border financial group is incorporated. In addition to staff of the national resolution authorities of the countries involved, the resolution college includes staff of the supervisory authorities, competent ministries, and authorities responsible for the deposit guarantee schemes in these countries, and also representatives of the European Banking Authority (EBA). For cross-border financial groups for which an internal resolution team is established, the SRB represents in the resolution college all the national resolution authorities of euro area countries.

Example of functioning of resolution teams and resolution colleges for the parent bank established in the Euro Area and its subsidiaries all around the world

Colleges and teams