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Securities Lending (APP and PEPP Securities Lending)

General information

As decided by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) the securities purchased under the public sector purchase programme (PSPP) are made available for securities lending as of 2 April 2015 in a decentralised manner by a number of Eurosystem central banks.

Further information with regards to securities lending programme are available on ECB‘s website.

National Bank of Slovakia securities lending

The National Bank of Slovakia holdings are available for securities lending via Euroclear’s Securities Lending and Borrowing Programme. The terms and conditions of the programe are the standard conditions defined by Euroclear SA/NV.

The above mentioned programe of securities lending includes also securities purchased under the SMP and PEPP programmes. A list of ISINs available for lending is provided below.


For more information please contact:

List of bonds available for lending:

4. 4. 2022

Last updated on 6 Apr 2022