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- Activity Report of the NBS Innovation Hub Annual Report Economic and Monetary Developments Financial Stability Report Investment Policy Statement of the National Bank of Slovakia Macroprudential Commentary Policy Briefs
- Report on the Activities of the Financial Market Supervision Unit Research Papers: Working and Occasional Papers (WP/OP) Statistical Bulletin Structural Challenges Other publications Sign up for your email notifications about publications
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- Activity Report of the NBS Innovation Hub Annual Report Economic and Monetary Developments Financial Stability Report Macroprudential Commentary
- Report on the Activities of the Financial Market Supervision Unit Statistical Bulletin Other publications Sign up for your email notifications about publications
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No. 1/2014
English summary [.pdf, 43.6 kB]
No. 2/2014
English summary [.pdf, 48.7 kB]
No. 3/2014
English summary [.pdf, 45.5 kB]
Estimates of Labour Supply Elasticities in Slovakia [.pdf, 163.4 kB]
(Matúš Senaj, Zuzana Siebertová, Norbert Švarda, Jana Valachyová)
No. 4/2014
English summary [.pdf, 45.6 kB]
Analytical background for the counter-cyclical capital buffer decisions in Slovakia [.pdf, 249.8 kB]
(Štefan Rychtárik)
EU enlargement – Institutional aspects and the ECB’s role [.pdf, 112.3 kB]
(Lucia Országhová)
Conference on personal pensions in Bratislava [.pdf, 177.9 kB]
Towards a EU single market for personal pensions [.pdf, 69.2 kB]
(Gabriel Bernardino, Chairman of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) )
A single pensions market: six key messages about personal pensions products [.pdf, 76.2 kB]
(Michaela Koller)
Proposals to protect pension savings [.pdf, 127.3 kB]
(Guillaume Prache)
Single market for personal pension products and consumer protection issues [.pdf, 103.6 kB]
(Ján Šebo, Tomáš Virdzek and Ľubica Šebová)
A European Pensions Union [.pdf, 132.9 kB]
(Pascal Borsjé and Hans van Meerten)
Personal pensions in the EU: the case for establishing a second regime [.pdf, 207.1 kB]
(Ambrogio Rinaldi)
Summary of Public event on Personal Pensions [.pdf, 194.1 kB]
English summary [.pdf, 66.8 kB]
EU enlargement – Recent economic developments and challenges for EU membership Part II [.pdf, 494.6 kB]
(Lucia Országhová)
The effects of and risk management related to the credit crunch in Hungary [.pdf, 241.5 kB]
(Dr. Lajos Sóvágó, Roland Gácsi, Dr. Judit Bárczi, Dr. Csilla Czeglédi, Dr. László Hajós, Dr. Zoltán Zéman Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Gödöllő, Hungary)
English summary [.pdf, 70.3 kB]
Disparities in Household Wealth among Slovak Regions [.pdf, 320.3 kB]
(Tibor Zavadil)
English summary [.pdf, 73.4 kB]
English summary [.pdf, 117.9 kB]
English summary [.pdf, 503.9 kB]