sk sk

Data for the period


Slovak Republic – Balance of Payments – January to May 2001

(new data due to revision as of May 2003)
  Receipts/Credit (+) Expenditures/Debit (-) Balance
mil. SKK mil. USD mil. SKK mil. USD mil. SKK mil. USD
GOODS 254,463.00 5,305.96 287,658.00 5,998.12 -33,195.00 -692.17
SERVICES 43,880.10 914.97 36,653.50 764.28 7,226.60 150.69
  Transportation 19,174.00 399.81 9,240.20 192.67 9,933.80 207.14
  Travel 7,841.00 163.50 5,221.70 108.88 2,619.30 54.62
  Other services total 16,865.10 351.66 22,191.60 462.73 -5,326.50 -111.07
INCOME 6,596.80 137.55 14,660.00 305.68 -8,063.20 -168.13
  Compensation of employees 359.30 7.49 236.40 4.93 122.90 2.56
  Investment income 6,237.50 130.06 14,423.60 300.75 -8,186.10 -170.69
CURRENT TRANSFERS 10,140.40 211.44 5,381.30 112.21 4,759.10 99.23
CURRENT ACCOUNT 315,080.30 6,569.92 344,352.80 7,180.30 -29,272.50 -610.38
CAPITAL ACCOUNT 226.30 4.72 -91.80 -1.91 134.50 2.80
FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 586,741.60 12,231.95 -565,758.00 -11,796.28 20,983.60 435.67
DIRECT INVESTMENT 153,915.20 3,209.37 -130,180.00 -2,714.46 23,735.20 494.92
ABROAD 4,721.10 98.44 -8,016.00 -167.15 -3,294.90 -68.70
  Equity capital and reinvested earnings 429.10 8.95 -2,324.00 -48.46 -1,894.90 -39.51
  Other capital 4,292.00 89.49 -5,692.00 -118.69 -1,400.00 -29.19
In SR 149,194.10 3,110.93 -122,164.00 -2,547.31 27,030.10 563.62
  Equity capital and reinvested earnings 25,110.10 523.59 -2,632.00 -54.88 22,478.10 468.70
  Other capital 124,084.00 2,587.35 -119,532.00 -2,492.43 4,552.00 94.92
PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT 64,842.10 1,352.06 -74,035.70 -1,543.76 -9,193.60 -191.70
  Assets 1,850.00 38.58 -12,066.90 -251.61 -10,216.90 -213.04
  Liabilities 62,992.10 1,313.48 -61,968.80 -1,292.15 1,023.30 21.34
OTHER INVESTMENT 367,984.30 7,670.51 -361,542.30 -7,538.06 6,442.00 132.45
Long-term 24,070.10 499.27 -21,102.90 -433.42 2,967.20 65.85
  Assets 526.20 10.97 -1,069.70 -14.03 -543.50 -3.06
  Liabilities 23,543.90 488.30 -20,033.20 -419.39 3,510.70 68.91
Short-term 343,914.20 7,171.25 -340,439.40 -7,104.64 3,474.80 66.61
  Assets 157,395.80 3,281.95 -164,026.60 -3,428.49 -6,630.80 -146.54
  Liabilities 186,518.40 3,889.30 -176,412.80 -3,676.15 10,105.60 213.14
CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 586,967.90 12,236.67 -565,849.80 -11,798.20 21,118.10 438.47
ERRORS AND OMISSIONS         988.00 27.61
OVERALL BALANCE -20,934.90 -426.60 13,768.50 282.30 -7,166.40 -144.30
MONETARY GOLD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS 0.00 0.00 -6.30 -0.10 -6.30 -0.10
FOREIGN EXCHANGE 20,934.90 426.60 -13,762.20 -282.20 7,172.70 144.40
CURRENCY AND DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 -13,762.20 -282.20 -13,762.20 -282.20
SECURITIES 20,934.90 426.60 0.00 0.00 20,934.90 426.60
  Bonds and notes 1,963.90 39.10 0.00 0.00 1,963.90 39.10
  Money market instr. and financial derivates 18,971.00 387.50 0.00 0.00 18,971.00 387.50
RESERVE ASSETS 20,934.90 426.60 -13,768.50 -282.30 7,166.40 144.30

Used exchange rate of USD = 47.958 SKK