sk sk

Data for the period

Revision February 2007

Slovak Republic – Balance of Payments – January to July 2003

  Receipts/Credit (+) Expenditures/Debit (-) Balance
mil. SKK mil. USD mil. SKK mil. USD mil. SKK mil. USD
GOODS 444,811.00 11,862.26 459,250.00 12,247.32 -14,439.00 -385.06
SERVICES 68,540.10 1,827.83 64,775.60 1,727.44 3,764.50 100.39
  Transportation 28,609.40 762.96 18,862.10 503.02 9,747.30 259.94
  Travel 18,359.30 489.61 13,197.50 351.95 5,161.80 137.66
  Other services total 21,571.40 575.27 32,716.00 872.47 -11,144.60 -297.21
INCOME 22,556.70 601.54 64,357.70 1,716.30 -41,801.00 -1,114.75
  Compensation of employees 9,571.20 255.25 352.20 9.39 9,219.00 245.85
  Investment income 12,985.50 346.30 64,005.50 1,706.90 -51,020.00 -1,360.61
CURRENT TRANSFERS 12,201.20 325.38 5,369.10 143.18 6,832.10 182.20
CURRENT ACCOUNT 548,109.00 14,617.02 593,752.40 15,834.24 -45,643.40 -1,217.22
CAPITAL ACCOUNT 2,722.40 72.60 1,595.20 42.54 1,127.20 30.06
FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 1,337,932.50 35,678.19 -1,283,350.90 -34,205.72 54,581.60 1,472.47
DIRECT INVESTMENT 358,636.10 9,564.14 -318,615.00 -8,496.85 40,021.10 1,067.29
ABROAD 17,168.10 457.84 -26,908.20 -717.59 -9,740.10 -259.75
  Equity capital 553.00 14.75 -189.60 -5.06 363.40 9.69
  Reinvested earnings 0.00 0.00 -743.90 -19.84 -743.90 -19.84
  Other capital 16,615.10 443.09 -25,974.70 -692.70 -9,359.60 -249.60
In SR 341,468.00 9,106.30 -291,706.80 -7,779.26 49,761.20 1,327.04
  Equity capital 23,432.00 624.89 -2,477.20 -66.06 20,954.80 558.82
  Reinvested earnings 32,407.80 864.25 0.00 0.00 32,407.80 864.25
  Other capital 285,628.20 7,617.16 -289,229.60 -7,713.20 -3,601.40 -96.04
PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT 250,993.70 6,693.52 -223,761.20 -5,967.28 27,232.50 726.24
  Assets 47,203.90 1,258.84 -62,636.80 -1,670.40 -15,432.90 -411.57
  Liabilities 203,789.80 5,434.68 -161,124.40 -4,296.88 42,665.40 1,137.80
FINANCIAL DERIVATES 26,386.40 703.67 -26,551.70 -708.08 -165.30 -4.41
  Assets 24,836.50 662.34 -26,311.70 -701.68 -1,475.20 -39.34
  Liabilities 1,549.90 41.33 -240.00 -6.40 1,309.90 34.93
OTHER INVESTMENT 701,916.30 18,716.85 -714,423.00 -19,033.50 -12,506.70 -316.65
Long-term 67,792.00 1,809.60 -72,728.70 -1,938.86 -4,936.70 -129.26
  Assets 15,582.70 416.35 -4,662.70 -124.35 10,920.00 292.00
  Liabilities 52,209.30 1,393.25 -68,066.00 -1,814.51 -15,856.70 -421.27
Short-term 634,124.30 16,907.26 -641,694.30 -17,094.64 -7,570.00 -187.39
  Assets 243,954.00 6,505.79 -297,119.90 -7,923.62 -53,165.90 -1,417.83
  Liabilities 390,170.30 10,401.47 -344,574.40 -9,171.02 45,595.90 1,230.45
CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 1,340,654.90 35,750.79 -1,284,946.10 -34,248.26 55,708.80 1,502.53
ERRORS AND OMISSIONS         21,663.90 556.19
OVERALL BALANCE -85,866.20 -2,236.90 117,595.50 3,078.40 31,729.30 841.50
MONETARY GOLD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00
FOREIGN EXCHANGE 85,865.80 2,236.90 -117,595.50 -3,078.40 -31,729.70 -841.50
CURRENCY AND DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 -40,492.20 -1,059.00 -40,492.20 -1,059.00
SECURITIES 85,865.80 2,236.90 -77,103.30 -2,019.40 8,762.50 217.50
  Bonds and notes 0.00 0.00 -77,103.30 -2,019.40 -77,103.30 -2,019.40
  Money market instr. and financial derivates 85,865.80 2,236.90 0.00 0.00 85,865.80 2,236.90
RESERVE ASSETS 85,866.20 2,236.90 -117,595.50 -3,078.40 -31,729.30 -841.50

Used exchange rate of USD = 37.498 SKK