sk sk

Data for the period

Revision December 2007

Slovak Republic – Balance of Payments – January to May 2005

  Receipts/Credit (+) Expenditures/Debit (-) Balance
mil. SKK mil. USD mil. SKK mil. USD mil. SKK mil. USD
GOODS 373,070.00 12,561.70 400,886.00 13,498.30 -27,816.00 -936.60
SERVICES 52,980.80 1,783.93 46,999.20 1,582.52 5,981.60 201.41
  Transportation 19,485.00 656.08 14,074.40 473.90 5,410.60 182.18
  Travel 14,678.30 494.24 9,471.00 318.90 5,207.30 175.34
  Other services total 18,817.50 633.61 23,453.80 789.72 -4,636.30 -156.11
INCOME 21,118.60 711.09 40,857.00 1,375.70 -19,738.40 -664.61
  Compensation of employees 13,042.90 439.17 461.60 15.54 12,581.30 423.63
  Investment income 8,075.70 271.92 40,395.40 1,360.16 -32,319.70 -1,088.24
CURRENT TRANSFERS 17,930.50 603.74 16,967.10 571.30 963.40 32.44
CURRENT ACCOUNT 465,099.90 15,660.46 505,709.30 17,027.82 -40,609.40 -1,367.37
CAPITAL ACCOUNT 223.80 7.54 305.60 10.29 -81.80 -2.75
FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 1,578,712.10 53,156.75 -1,478,499.20 -49,757.08 100,212.90 3,399.67
DIRECT INVESTMENT 281,546.40 9,480.00 -262,272.90 -8,831.03 19,273.50 648.96
ABROAD 16,391.10 551.91 -16,341.80 -550.25 49.30 1.66
  Equity capital 296.80 9.99 -91.30 -3.07 205.50 6.92
  Reinvested earnings 0.00 0.00 -40.10 -1.35 -40.10 -1.35
  Other capital 16,094.30 541.91 -16,210.40 -545.82 -116.10 -3.91
In SR 265,155.30 8,928.09 -245,931.10 -8,280.79 19,224.20 647.30
  Equity capital 6,864.90 231.15 -3,604.60 -121.37 3,260.30 109.78
  Reinvested earnings 11,287.50 380.06 0.00 0.00 11,287.50 380.06
  Other capital 247,002.90 8,316.88 -242,326.50 -8,159.42 4,676.40 157.46
PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT 312,388.50 10,518.49 -331,643.00 -11,132.93 -19,254.50 -614.45
  Assets 22,392.60 753.98 -38,023.90 -1,280.31 -15,631.30 -526.32
  Liabilities 289,995.90 9,764.50 -293,619.10 -9,852.63 -3,623.20 -88.12
FINANCIAL DERIVATES 386,450.00 13,012.22 -386,570.70 -13,016.29 -120.70 -4.06
  Assets 163,081.70 5,491.15 -166,701.70 -5,613.04 -3,620.00 -121.89
  Liabilities 223,368.30 7,521.07 -219,869.00 -7,403.25 3,499.30 117.83
OTHER INVESTMENT 598,327.20 20,146.04 -498,012.60 -16,776.82 100,314.60 3,369.22
Long-term 38,586.50 1,299.25 -49,393.10 -1,672.53 -10,806.60 -373.28
  Assets 10,109.40 340.40 -10,660.30 -358.94 -550.90 -18.55
  Liabilities 28,477.10 958.86 -38,732.80 -1,313.59 -10,255.70 -354.73
Short-term 559,740.70 18,846.79 -448,619.50 -15,104.29 111,121.20 3,742.50
  Assets 186,238.30 6,270.86 -197,655.10 -6,655.28 -11,416.80 -384.42
  Liabilities 373,502.40 12,575.93 -250,964.40 -8,449.01 122,538.00 4,126.92
CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 1,578,935.90 53,164.28 -1,478,804.80 -49,767.37 100,131.10 3,396.92
ERRORS AND OMISSIONS         10,560.50 481.35
OVERALL BALANCE -26,865.00 -882.20 96,947.20 3,393.10 70,082.20 2,510.90
MONETARY GOLD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS 0.00 0.00 -0.20 0.00 -0.20 0.00
FOREIGN EXCHANGE 26,865.00 882.20 -96,947.00 -3,393.10 -70,082.00 -2,510.90
CURRENCY AND DEPOSIT 26,865.00 882.20 0.00 0.00 26,865.00 882.20
SECURITIES 0.00 0.00 -96,947.00 -3,393.10 -96,947.00 -3,393.10
  Bonds and notes 0.00 0.00 -53,525.40 -1,880.60 -53,525.40 -1,880.60
  Money market instr. and financial derivates 0.00 0.00 -43,421.60 -1,512.50 -43,421.60 -1,512.50
RESERVE ASSETS 26,865.00 882.20 -96,947.20 -3,393.10 -70,082.20 -2,510.90

Used exchange rate of USD = 29.699 SKK