sk sk

Data for the period

Slovak Republic – Balance of Payments – January to October 1998

  Receipts/Credit (+) Expenditures/Debit (-) Balance
mil. SKK mil. USD mil. SKK mil. USD mil. SKK mil. USD
GOODS 310,128.00 8,845.38 377,807.00 10,775.71 -67,679.00 -1,930.32
SERVICES 69,671.00 1,987.14 66,577.00 1,898.89 3,094.00 88.25
  Transportation 26,864.00 766.21 12,948.00 369.30 13,916.00 396.91
  Travel 14,040.00 400.44 14,679.00 418.67 -639.00 -18.23
  Other services total 28,767.00 820.48 38,950.00 1,110.92 -10,183.00 -290.44
INCOME 12,928.00 368.73 17,588.00 501.64 -4,660.00 -132.91
  Compensation of employees 686.00 19.57 234.00 6.67 452.00 12.89
  Investment income 12,242.00 349.16 17,354.00 494.97 -5,112.00 -145.80
Current transfers 16,605.00 473.60 8,416.00 240.04 8,189.00 233.56
CURRENT ACCOUNT 409,332.00 11,674.85 470,388.00 13,416.27 -61,056.00 -1,741.42
CAPITAL ACCOUNT 2,264.00 64.57 -390.00 -11.12 1,874.00 53.45
FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 839,518.30 23,991.37 -790,037.80 -22,542.03 49,480.50 1,449.34
DIRECT INVESTMENT 247,721.80 7,065.45 -238,580.50 -6,804.73 9,141.30 260.73
ABROAD 2,259.00 64.43 -5,153.50 -146.99 -2,894.50 -82.56
  Equity capital and reinvested earnings 1,037.00 29.58 -3,710.50 -105.83 -2,673.50 -76.25
  Other capital 1,222.00 34.85 -1,443.00 -41.16 -221.00 -6.30
In SR 245,462.80 7,001.02 -233,427.00 -6,657.74 12,035.80 343.28
  Equity capital and reinvested earnings 11,729.80 334.55 -647.00 -18.45 11,082.80 316.10
  Other capital 233,733.00 6,666.47 -232,780.00 -6,639.29 953.00 27.18
PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT 36,697.00 1,066.57 -14,641.20 -417.59 22,055.80 648.98
  Assets 2,301.10 65.63 -8,440.90 -240.75 -6,139.80 -175.12
  Liabilities 34,395.90 1,000.94 -6,200.30 -176.84 28,195.60 824.10
OTHER INVESTMENT 555,099.50 15,859.35 -536,816.10 -15,319.71 18,283.40 539.64
Long-term 50,766.10 1,448.87 -27,438.00 -783.56 23,328.10 665.30
  Assets 4,877.90 140.11 -253.00 -6.66 4,624.90 133.45
  Liabilities 45,888.20 1,308.76 -27,185.00 -776.90 18,703.20 531.86
Short-term 504,333.40 14,410.48 -509,378.10 -14,536.15 -5,044.70 -125.67
  Assets 203,209.00 5,795.89 -222,152.50 -6,333.12 -18,943.50 -537.23
  Liabilities 301,124.40 8,614.59 -287,225.60 -8,203.02 13,898.80 411.56
CAPITAL AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNT 841,782.30 24,055.95 -790,427.80 -22,553.15 51,354.50 1,502.79
ERRORS AND OMISSIONS         -8,148.10 -266.67
OVERALL BALANCE -20,650.80 -591.90 2,801.20 86.60 -17,849.60 -505.30
MONETARY GOLD 44.20 1.20 0.00 0.00 44.20 1.20
SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS 550.60 16.20 0.00 0.00 550.60 16.20
FOREIGN EXCHANGE 20,056.00 574.50 -2,801.20 -86.60 17,254.80 487.90
CURRENCY AND DEPOSIT 0.00 0.00 -2,217.40 -64.60 -2,217.40 -64.60
SECURITIES 20,056.00 574.50 -583.80 -22.00 19,472.20 552.50
  Bonds and notes 0.00 0.00 -583.80 -22.00 -583.80 -22.00
  Money market instr. and financial derivates 20,056.00 574.50 0.00 0.00 20,056.00 574.50
RESERVE ASSETS 20,650.80 591.90 -2,801.20 -86.60 17,849.60 505.30

Used exchange rate of: USD = 35.061 SKK