Ing. Stefan Kralik became a Member of the Bank Board
On 25 February 2009 the Government of the Slovak Republic named Ing. Stefan Kralik as a Member of the Bank Board of Narodna banka Slovenska, effective as of 1 April 2009.
Stefan Kralik has been working with Narodna banka Slovenska from its origin up to the present. In the years 1993-2007 he functioned as the Chief Executive Director for the legislative-legal field, management of human resources, education, public information and relations regarding to the state budget. From October 2007 he was the Director of the Office of the Governor, in charge of the area of legal services.
From 1 April 2009 he is the Member of the Bank Board of the NBS and the Executive Director responsible for the Office of the Governor and Legal Services.
During his time working at the NBS he has served in a number of positions: Secretary of the Bank Board of the NBS (since 1993), Chairman of the Council of the Deposit Protection Fund (since October 2002), Vice Chairman of the Financial Market Supervision Committee (2002-2006), member of the Committee of the Security Council of the Slovak Republic for Foreign Affairs (since March 2007), member of the Government Council for non-governmental organisations (since November 1999) and the like.
He is a graduate of the Faculty of National Economy at the University of Economics in Bratislava.
On 25 February 2009 the Government of the Slovak Republic named him as a Member of the Bank Board of Narodna banka Slovenska, effective as of 1 April 2009.
Stefan Kralik is married and has two children.
Jana Kováčová
Spokesperson of the NBS
National Bank of Slovakia
Communications Section
Imricha Karvasa 1, 813 25 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421-2-5787 2168,+421-2-5865 2168, +421-2-5787 2169, 421-2-5865 2169
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