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Name Decree of Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic of 16 September 2015 No MF / 14725 / 2015-74, which amends and supplements the decree of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic of 8 December 2011 No MF / 25918 / 2011-74 establishing the scope, manner, place and terms of saving the statement of selected data from the individual financial statements of entities that are insurance companies, branches of foreign insurance companies, reinsurance companies, branches of foreign reinsurance Slovak Insurers" Bureau and the Export Import Bank of the Slovak Republic, as amended
Author Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
Source Financial Rapporteur of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
Publication date 24. 9. 2015
Version in force as of This Decree shall enter into force on 31 December 2015.
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Available only in Slovak Language. Oznámenie o vydaní opatrenia: Zbierka zákonov Slovenskej republiky, čiastka 67/2015 vydaná dňa 29. septembra 2015, oznámenie č. 230/2015 Z. z.