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Name EBA Guidelines of 22 September 2015 No EBA/GL/2015/10 - Guidelines on methods for calculating contributions to deposit guarantee schemes
Author European Banking Authority (EBA)
Source website of the European Banking Authority (EBA)
Publication date 22. 9. 2015
Version in force as of Competent authorities and designated authorities should implement these guidelines by incorporating them in their supervisory processes and procedures by the end of 2015. From that date on, contributions to be raised by DGSs should comply with these guidelines. However, where, according to the third subparagraph of Article 20(1) of Directive 2014/49/EU, appropriate authorities establish that a DGS is not yet in a position to comply with Article 13 of Directive 2014/49/EU by 3 July 2015, these guidelines should be implemented by the new date set by these authorities, and in any case no later than by 31 May 2016.