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Name Methodological Instruction of the Financial Market Supervision Unit of the National Bank of Slovakia No. 3/2008 of 7 July 2008 concerning the interpretation of information duties of financial institutions at the changeover to the euro under provisions of the Act No. 483/2001 Coll. on banks and on amendments to certain laws, as amended, Act No. 594/2003 Coll. on collective investment and on amendments to certain laws, as amended, Act No. 43/2004 Coll. on retirement pension saving and on amendments to certain laws, as amended, Act No. 650/2004 Coll. on supplementary pension saving and on amendments to certain laws, as amended, and Act No. 8/2008 Coll. on insurance and on amendments to certain laws
Author Národná banka Slovenska
Source website of Národná banka Slovenska
Publication date 18. 7. 2008
Version in force as of /