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Net value of assets in supplementary pension funds for each day during the months of the year

The net asset value of a pension fund shall mean the difference between the value of the supplementary pension fund’s assets and its liabilities.

The net asset value of a pension fund shall be calculated by the pension fund management company on every working day and it shall be notified to the National bank of Slovakia and depository.

The minimum net asset value of a contributory supplementary pension fund shall be EUR 800,000 and the value may not fall below this sum during the operation of the supplementary pension management company. The supplementary pension company shall reach the minimum net asset value within a period of 12 months from the date of commencing the creation of the contributory supplementary pension fund.

At the days when the net asset value is not calculated, the net asset value is the same as in the last working day.

Chart – Net value of assets in supplementary pension funds