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NBS information: Requests, comments and appeals sent to NBS

17. 04. 2020 | Information for the public

Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) informs supervised and other entities about a new option for sending their submissions to it during the coronavirus pandemic.1 Requests, comments and appeals under legal acts regulating the activities of supervised financial market entities and other entities may now be sent either by post or electronically, with an electronic signature, via the Central Government Portal. Where such a request, comment or appeal is filed electronically by more persons, the qualified electronic signature of each person is needed. NBS may additionally request that a supervised or other entity deliver their request, comment or appeal in a way prescribed by law.

Any attachments to requests, comments or appeals may now also be delivered electronically together with the request, comment or appeal, regardless of the statutory obligation to deliver original or certified copies of such documents. If the attachment to a request does not have to bear a qualified electronic signature, we request that you attach it as a compressed ZIP archive with a total message size not exceeding 33 MB. The ZIP archive may include files in these formats: DOCX, RTF, ODT, XLSX, ODS, TXT, HTML, PDF, JPG, TIFF, and PNG. Where attachments that do not have to be signed exceed the allowed file size, they may be delivered, with the agreement of NBS, via the Statistics Collection Portal or by other means agreed with NBS. However, within 30 days after the end of the pandemic, the supervised and other entities will have to deliver the attachments to their requests, comments and appeals in a form prescribed by law, unless NBS, at the request of the supervised or other entity, waives the obligation to file certain attachments in paper form in accordance with the Act on Financial Market Supervision. The filed documents must not be altered, falsified or modified in any way, otherwise the entity risks a disciplinary penalty and decision revocation.

Electronic submissions and signatures may be made via the service ‘Všeobecná agenda’ ústredného portálu verejnej správy – (‘General Agenda’ of the Central Government Portal – When making a submission, please select ‘Národná banka Slovenska’ as the service provider. We recommend signing electronic requests using the procedure for signing attachments to a submission under the ‘General Agenda’ of the Central Government Portal. User guides published on the Central Government Portal explain in detail how to use the portal.

1 Section 30 of Act No 67/2020 on certain emergency financial measures in relation to the spread of the dangerous contagious human disease COVID-19, as amended.