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NBS warning: HYSPO, s.r.o.

27. 04. 2018 | Information for Public

Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) hereby warns the public about the activity of the company HYSPO, s.r.o., having its registered office at Bajkalská 4867/4, Prešov I (hereinafter also referred to as ‘the company’). Potential customers may receive from the company offers to invest their money for profit, and in this regard they may be misled into thinking that the company is subject to supervision by Národná banka Slovenska.

Národná banka Slovenska, as the competent authority for issuing authorisations under laws regulating the financial market, points out that HYSPO, s.r.o. is not authorised to conduct business activities in Slovakia regulated by Act No 186/2009 Coll. on financial intermediation and financial advisory services (and amending certain laws), as amended, nor is it authorised as a management company under Act No 203/2011 Coll. on collective investment.

The business activity of HYSPO, s.r.o. is not subject to supervision by Národná banka Slovenska.

Národná banka Slovenska continues to warn potential customers to carefully consider with which entity they enter into a contractual relationship and to check the entity’s authorisation on the NBS website, at