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Karol Mrva reappointed to the NBS Bank Board

Today (3 May 2017) the Government of the Slovak Republic reappointed Karol Mrva as a member of the Bank Board of Národná banka Slovenska with effect from 2 June 2017.

Mr Mrva has held several managerial positions at Národná banka Slovenska since its establishment. He is currently a member of the Bank Board (until 1 June 2017) and Executive Director of the Risk Management, Settlement and Payment Services Division.

The term of office of an NBS Bank Board member is set at six years.

Mr Mrva’s curriculum vitae

Karol Mrva reappointed to the NBS Bank Board

Martina Solčányiová
NBS Spokesperson

National Bank of Slovakia
Communications Section
Imricha Karvasa 1, 813 25 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421-2-5787 2142, +421-2-5865 2142, +421-2-5787 2169, +421-2-5865 2169

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