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Macroprudential Commentary – March 2022

As lending has gathered pace, so imbalances have been rising

The countercyclical capital buffer rate remains at 1.0%

If current trends continue, Národná banka Slovenska will in the next quarter consider raising the buffer rate

Macroprudential Commentary – March 2022

Read about the following in the latest Macroprudential Commentary:
  • Tensions are rising in the credit and property markets, together with signs of risk underestimation.
  • With inflation rising and interests at low levels, households are borrowing more and saving less.
  • Firms increasingly need loan financing for their working capital growth and for investment purposes.
  • Neither banks nor firms have so far been significantly affected by the war in Ukraine. Adverse effects may, however, come later.
  • Despite falling slightly early in 2021, the banking sector’s capital position has remained adequate.
Also in this edition:
  • The war in Ukraine’s potential impact on the financial sector (Box 1, page 6)
  • Twelve European countries already have a non-zero CCyB rate (page 9)
Key indicators as at February 2022:
Growth in loans to households:9.5%
Growth in housing loans:11.8%
Growth in consumer credit:-4.2%
Non-performing loan ratio for household loans:2.1%
Growth in loans to non-financial corporations:4.5%
Non-performing loan ratio for NFC loans:3.1%