NBS extends data dissemination for the IMF
On 16 September 2019 Slovakia became the 19th country to adhere to the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) Plus, the highest tier of the International Monetary Fund’s three-tier Data Standards Initiatives aimed at supporting the dissemination of economic and financial data.
Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) is one of Slovakia’s three data disseminating agencies under the SDDS Plus, along with the country’s Finance Ministry and Statistical Office. Each institution has overall responsibility for the data categories falling within its competence, while the Statistical Office has the additional role of country coordinator for SDDS Plus.
The move from the second-tier SDDS initiative to SDDS Plus included an increase in the prescribed data categories from 21 to 30, with seven of the nine new categories falling within the competence of NBS. These categories include financial soundness indicators, other financial corporations survey, and debt securities, as well as categories covering the scope and structure of foreign direct investment in Slovakia and the quarterly financial accounts.
The SDDS Plus initiative, which resulted in a broadening of harmonised statistical data releases, was introduced by the IMF in 2012 in response to the financial crisis and as a tool to support national and international financial stability.
Before a country can adhere to the SDDS Plus, it must meet IMF requirements of coverage, periodicity and timelines for hundreds of historical data series. At the same time as it implemented SDDS Plus, the IMF tightened its requirements for the original SDDS data categories.
Slovakia has been disseminating data in accordance with IMF requirements since it subscribed to the SDDS in 1996, which was the highest tier of Data Standards Initiative at that time.
National Summary Data Page (NSDP) of all the data categories for Slovakia is published on the website of the Statistical Office. The data are made available in SDMX format in the prescribed structure, and are provided for the following sectors: real sector, fiscal sector, financial sector, external sector, and demographic data. They are released in accordance with the Advance Release Calendar (ARC). The data categories overseen by NBS are published on the NBS website.
Detailed information on the SDDS Plus, including data and methodological information, are published on the IMF’s Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB).
Martina Vráblik Solčányiová
NBS Spokesperson
National Bank of Slovakia
Communications Section
Imricha Karvasa 1, 813 25 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421-2-5787 2142, +421-2-5865 2142, +421-2-5787 2169, +421-2-5865 2169
Internet: http://www.nbs.sk
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