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NBS launches Research Archive Portal

On 8 October 2019 Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) launched its Research Archive Portal. Enabling electronic access to the NBS Archives for research activities, the portal serves as a resource for anyone interested in the history of Slovakia’s financial sector.

After registering on the portal, researchers are assigned a research account that allows electronic access to NBS’s archival fonds of financial institutions that operated in Slovakia in the past. At the same time, the portal can be used to book a visit to the reading room of the NBS Archives, with researchers being required to specify on the request form which of the available archival documents they wish to look at. The portal also provides information on the history of the financial sector in the territory of what is now Slovakia, as well as information on other services offered by the NBS Archives.

National Bank of Slovakia
Communications Section
Imricha Karvasa 1, 813 25 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421-2-5787 2142, +421-2-5865 2142, +421-2-5787 2169, +421-2-5865 2169

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