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Statement from the 2nd Meeting of the Bank Board of the NBS

The 2nd Meeting of the Bank Board of Narodna banka Slovenska was held on 9 January 2007, chaired by Ivan Sramko, Governor.

The Bank Board of Národná banka Slovenska pursuant to 6d), Article 6 subsection 2, of the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 566/1992 Zb. on the National Bank of Slovakia, as amended, approved the Decision of the National Bank of Slovakia on stipulation of annual contributions of supervised entities of the financial market for 2007.
This will be published in the Bulletin of the National Bank of Slovakia and also on the NBS´s website.

Igor Barat
Spokesman of the NBS

National Bank of Slovakia
Public Relations Department, Press Section
Imricha Karvasa 1, 813 25 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421-2-5787 2161,+421-2-5865 2161, +421-2-5787 2166, 421-2-5865 2166

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