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Statement from the 32nd Meeting of the Bank Board of the NBS

The 32nd Meeting of the Bank Board of Narodna banka Slovenska was held on 29 July 2008, chaired by Viliam Ostrozlík, Deputy Governor. The Bank Board of the NBS discussed the Situation Report on Monetary Development of Slovakia in June 2008 and decided on maintaining its current interest rates for the overnight sterilization transactions at 2.25%, the overnight refinancing transactions at 5.75% and the limit rate for two-week repo tenders with commercial banks at 4.25%.

The Bank Board of the NBS discussed and approved the Decree of Narodna banka Slovenska laying down the method of presenting a proof that conditions have been fulfilled for granting a licence to establish and perform activities of an asset management company .

The purpose of the Decree is to amend granting a licence to establish and perform activities of an asset management company in accordance with the Act on Collective Investment. The Decree shall become effective on 1 September 2008.

Jana Kovacova
Spokesperson of the NBS

National Bank of Slovakia
Communications Section
Imricha Karvasa 1, 813 25 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Tel.: +421-2-5787 2161,+421-2-5865 2161, +421-2-5787 2166, 421-2-5865 2166

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