sk sk


The NSG-SK, acting on behalf of the Slovak market, expresses positions on matters addressed by the AMI-SeCo.

The NSG-SK is mandated to :

  • assess the impact of the T2S functionality, and in particular any changes in the T2S user requirements, on the national market; in this regard, due consideration should be given to the concept of a ‘lean T2S’ that aims at avoiding national specificities and at promoting harmonisation;
  • be involved in the change and release management process, where it assesses proposals in this area in the context of the national market;
  • contribute to the monitoring and implementation of tasks associated with the T2S harmonisation activities supported by the AMI-SeCo;
  • bring the national market’s material concerns in regard to T2S issues to the attention of the AMI-SeCo;
  • raise awareness of T2S in the national market,
  • support AMI-SeCo members.

Working procedures

The NSG-SK Secretary ensures that the agenda and relevant documents for discussion at an NSG-SK meeting are circulated among NSG-SK members at least five business days ahead of the meeting. After receiving any documents from the ECB, the NSG-SK is required to forward them immediately to the NSG-SK members.