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- Activity Report of the NBS Innovation Hub Annual Report Economic and Monetary Developments Financial Stability Report Investment Policy Statement of the National Bank of Slovakia Macroprudential Commentary Policy Briefs
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- Activity Report of the NBS Innovation Hub Annual Report Economic and Monetary Developments Financial Stability Report Macroprudential Commentary
- Report on the Activities of the Financial Market Supervision Unit Research Papers: Working and Occasional Papers (WP/OP) Statistical Bulletin Other publications Sign up for your email notifications about publications
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WP 12/2017
Normality Tests for Dependent Data.
Zacharias Psaradakis, Marián Vávra
WP 11/2017
Do Fiscal Multipliers Vary with Different Character of Monetary-Fiscal Interactions?
Michal Benčík
WP 10/2017
Financial literacy and voluntary savings for retirement in Slovakia.
Zuzana Brokešová, Andrej Cupák, Gueorgui Kolev
WP 9/2017
How do firms adjust to rises in the minimum wage? Survey evidence
from Central and Eastern Europe.
Katalin Bodnár, Ludmila Fadejeva, Stefania Iordache, Liina Malk, Desislava Paskaleva, Jurga Pesliakaitė, Nataša Todorović Jemec, Peter Tóth, Robert Wyszyński
WP 8/2017
Asymmetric wage adjustment and employment in European firms
Petra Marotzke, Robert Anderton, Ana Bairrão, Clémence Berson, Peter Tóth
WP 7/2017
Networks of counterparties in the centrally cleared EU-wide interest
rate derivatives market
Paweł Fiedor, Sarah Lapschies, Lucia Országhová
WP 6/2017
Measuring the Efficiency of VAT reforms: Evidence from Slovakia
Andrej Cupák, Peter Tóth
WP 5/2017
Macroeconomic Impact of Basel III: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis
Jarko Fidrmuc, Ronja Lind
Biswajit Banerjee, Juraj Zeman, Ľudovít Ódor, William O. Riska Jr.
WP 3/2017
Government Spending and the Term Strucutre of Interest Rates in DSGE Model
Aleš Maršál, Lorant Kaszab, Roman Horváth
WP 2/2017
Market reading of Central Bankers’ Words. A high Frequency evidence.
Pavel Gertler, Roman Horváth
WP 1/2017
Did quantitative easing boost bank lending? The Slovak experience
Adriana Lojschova
Years 2016 – 2005
2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Years 2004 – 1996
Older outputs of the Institute of Monetary and Financial Studies (former research oriented department of NBS) in years 1996-2004 are available here: IMFS papers