sk sk


WP 9/2019
Fiscal Policy and the Nominal Term Premium

Roman Horváth, Lorant Kaszab, Ales Maršál

WP 8/2019
PreMISE: DSGE Model of the Slovak Economy Integrated in a Monetary Union

Milan Výškrabka, Martin Železník, Stanislav Tvrz

WP 7/2019
The limits of foreign-led growth: Demand for digital skills by foreign and domestic firms in Slovakia.

Jan Drahokoupil, Brian Fabo

WP 6/2019
Trend Inflation Meets Macro-Finance: The Puzzling Behavior of Price Dispersion.
Aleš Maršá
l, Katrin Rabitsch, Lorant Kaszab

WP 5/2019
Institutions and determinants of firm survival in European emerging markets.
Eduard Baumöhl,
Ichiro Iwasaki, Evžen Kočenda

WP 4/2019
Firm survival in new EU member states.
Eduard Baumöh
l, Ichiro Iwasaki, Evžen Kočenda

WP 3/2019
Construction of a survey-based measure of output Gap.
Michal Benčík

WP 2/2019
Yield Curve Dynamics and FiscalPolicy Shocks
Adam Kučera, Evžen Kočenda, Aleš Maršál

WP 1/2019
The effect of the single currency on exports: comparative firm-level evidence.

Tibor Lalinský, Jaanika Meriküll

Years 2018 – 2005

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005

Years 2004 – 1996

Older outputs of the Institute of Monetary and Financial Studies (former research oriented department of NBS) in years 1996-2004 are available here: IMFS papers