sk sk



in fixed exchange rate with fixed cross rates in year 2004
(billions of SKK)

A S S E T S 1.1. 31.1. 29.2. 31.3. 30.4. 31.5. 30.6. 31.7. 31.8. 30.9. 31.10. 30.11. 31.12.
Fixed exchange rate SKK/USD 32.920 32.920 32.920 32.920 32.920 32.920 32.920 32.920 32.920 32.920 32.920 32.920 32.920
Fixed exchange rate SKK/EUR 41.161 41.161 41.161 41.161 41.161 41.161 41.161 41.161 41.161 41.161 41.161 41.161 41.161
NET FOREIGN ASSETS 194.1 193.8 204.7 205.6 215.2 202.0 200.9 209.2 214.9 196.1 189.7 196.7 196.2
FOREIGN ASSETS 445.5 448.4 465.3 447.6 451.5 492.5 466.1 489.1 489.8 483.3 484.7 488.5 519.1
FOREIGN LIABILITIES 251.4 254.6 260.6 242.0 236.3 290.5 265.2 279.9 274.9 287.2 295.0 291.8 322.9
NET DOMESTIC ASSETS 544.5 545.2 539.4 518.4 516.7 521.2 543.8 540.5 540.4 565.8 574.0 576.6 597.3
DOMESTIC CREDITS 689.4 689.4 697.7 690.4 682.6 685.3 707.5 706.4 718.8 730.6 741.2 746.5 770.3
Net credit to general government 312.6 319.1 323.4 310.3 302.4 299.9 315.1 317.4 325.6 330.5 334.3 339.2 362.3
– net credit to government (excluding NPF) 315.7 322.2 326.3 314.0 309.2 314.2 329.1 323.7 332.3 337.2 341.0 342.9 365.5
– net credit to National Property Fund -3.1 -3.1 -2.9 -3.7 -6.8 -14.3 -14.0 -6.3 -6.7 -6.7 -6.7 -3.7 -3.2
Credits to enterprises and households 376.8 370.3 374.3 380.1 380.2 385.4 392.4 389.0 393.2 400.1 406.9 407.3 408.0
Credits in SKK 308.2 299.6 302.8 306.0 303.1 302.5 304.2 301.6 306.2 311.7 314.3 319.1 318.2
Credits to enterprises * 223.1 213.7 214.6 215.3 210.0 206.9 205.2 199.9 201.1 204.0 203.8 205.7 201.5
Credits to households 85.1 85.9 88.2 90.7 93.1 95.6 99.0 101.7 105.1 107.7 110.5 113.4 116.7
Credits in foreign currency 68.6 70.7 71.5 74.1 77.1 82.9 88.2 87.4 87.0 88.4 92.6 88.2 89.8
L I A B I L I T I E S  
MONEY SUPPLY [M2] 738.6 739.0 744.1 724.0 731.9 723.2 744.7 749.7 755.3 761.9 763.7 773.3 793.5
MONEY [M1] 275.4 261.2 265.5 258.9 260.8 268.0 279.2 279.7 282.8 288.7 284.8 293.4 311.3
CURRENCY OUTSIDE BANKS [M0] 91.8 91.7 91.7 90.8 90.9 91.9 93.2 93.8 95.4 96.3 97.6 97.8 100.5
DEMAND DEPOSITS 183.6 169.5 173.8 168.1 169.9 176.1 186.0 185.9 187.4 192.4 187.2 195.6 210.8
– households 81.3 83.0 85.0 83.4 83.8 85.6 87.8 89.2 89.6 90.5 91.1 92.4 96.2
– enterprises 98.9 82.7 85.3 81.1 84.0 89.0 96.3 94.2 95.7 99.6 94.3 100.7 113.2
– insurance companies 3.4 3.8 3.5 3.6 2.1 1.5 1.9 2.5 2.1 2.3 1.8 2.5 1.4
QUASI-MONEY [QM] 463.2 477.8 478.6 465.1 471.1 455.2 465.5 470.0 472.5 473.2 478.9 479.9 482.2
TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS 371.4 380.9 383.7 377.9 385.6 368.7 368.8 379.5 381.1 378.3 377.0 374.1 386.2
– households 237.4 236.0 237.5 236.5 234.9 232.9 230.3 228.1 225.2 224.0 222.8 221.1 222.8
– enterprises 117.7 127.4 128.9 125.0 134.2 119.1 122.2 129.3 133.9 131.2 133.2 131.5 136.5
– insurance companies 16.3 17.5 17.3 16.4 16.5 16.7 16.3 22.1 22.0 23.1 21.0 21.5 26.9
FOREIGN CURRENCY DEPOSITS 91.8 96.9 94.9 87.2 85.5 86.5 96.7 90.5 91.4 94.9 101.9 105.8 96.0
– households 53.9 53.4 53.2 52.1 50.8 50.7 50.4 49.9 49.2 49.4 49.5 49.2 48.5
– enterprises 37.9 43.5 41.7 35.1 34.7 35.8 46.3 40.6 42.2 45.5 52.4 56.6 47.5
OTHER ITEMS NET 144.9 144.2 158.3 172.0 165.9 164.1 163.7 165.9 178.4 164.8 167.2 169.9 173.0

Memorandum items

  1.1. 31.1. 29.2. 31.3. 30.4. 31.5. 30.6. 31.7. 31.8. 30.9. 31.10. 30.11. 31.12.
NFA of banking sector (excluding foreign liabilities of government) 328.7 332.0 350.2 350.3 366.4 399.9 395.2 398.2 402.7 391.1 387.6 392.5 394.6
– of which: foreign assets 445.5 448.4 465.3 447.6 451.5 492.5 466.1 489.1 489.8 483.3 484.7 488.5 519.1
– of which: foreign liabilities 116.8 116.4 115.1 97.3 85.1 92.6 70.9 90.9 87.1 92.2 97.1 96.0 124.5
Net credit to central government 405.5 411.0 413.3 407.8 404.7 411.8 431.5 429.9 435.6 442.9 444.5 446.8 454.5
Net credit to general government (excluding foreign liabilities of government) 211.3 217.7 222.6 210.7 199.0 155.5 182.4 185.2 191.7 198.4 202.4 207.2 230.6
– of which: liabilities of government and NPF (gross) 405.2 422.2 423.1 420.9 416.1 418.5 417.8 417.0 395.4 409.0 409.4 422.0 456.7
– of which: claims of government and NPF (gross) 193.9 204.5 200.5 210.2 217.1 263.0 235.4 231.8 203.7 210.6 207.0 214.8 226.1
Foreign liabilities of government 101.3 101.4 100.8 99.6 103.4 144.4 132.7 132.2 133.9 132.1 131.9 132.0 131.7
Other government deposits in NBS ** 16.8 15.6 11.7 14.5 13.7 9.6 12.1 14.8 14.8 18.6 17.0 12.1
Money market funds’ shares/units 12.9 14.2 15.7 17.0 18.3 20.2 22.3 24.7 26.7 28.4 30.7 32.7
    Selected indicators under SDDS’ specification
*   Revised data.
**   Deposits of higher territorial units, deposits of government in foreign currency (EU funds) and non-budgetary deposits of government agencies in NBS.