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Basic Interest Rate of the NBS

Basic interest rate of the NBS (until December 31, 2002 Discount rate)
and Two-Week REPO Tender Limit Rate

Since Until Discount
rate (p. a.)
interest rate
of the NBS (p. a.)
Two week
REPO tender
limit rate (p. a.)
12.10.2008 12.31.2008 2.50 % 2.50 %
11.12.2008 12.09.2008 3.25 % 3.25 %
10.29.2008 11.11.2008 3.75 % 3.75 %
04.25.2007 10.28.2008 4.25 % 4.25 %
03.28.2007 04.24.2007 4.50 % 4.50 %
09.27.2006 03.27.2007 4.75 % 4.75 %
07.26.2006 09.26.2006 4.50 % 4.50 %
05.31.2006 07.25.2006 4.00 % 4.00 %
03.01.2006 05.30.2006 3.50 % 3.50 %
03.01.2005 02.28.2006 3.00 % 3.00 %
11.29.2004 02.28.2005 4.00 % 4.00 %
07.01.2004 11.28.2004 4.50 % 4.50 %
04.29.2004 06.30.2004 5.00 % 5.00 %
03.29.2004 04.28.2004 5.50 % 5.50 %
12.22.2003 03.28.2004 6.00 % 6.00 %
09.26.2003 12.21.2003 6.25 % 6.25 %
11.18.2002 09.25.2003 6.50 % 6.50 %
10.30.2002 11.17.2002 8.00 % 8.00 %
04.27.2002 10.29.2002 8.25 % 8.25 %
01.01.2002 04.26.2002 7.75 % 7.75 %
03.26.2001 12.31.2001 8.80 % 7.75 %
12.27.2000 03.25.2001 8.80 % 8.00 %
08.31.2000 12.26.2000 8.80 % 8.25 %
05.29.2000 08.30.2000 8.80 % 8.50 %
01.13.1996 05.28.2000 8.80 %
10.06.1995 01.12.1996 9.75 %
03.17.1995 10.05.1995 11.00 %
12.20.1993 03.16.1995 12.00 %
01.01.1993 12.19.1993 9.50 %

The Bank Board of the National Bank of Slovakia decided (26th meeting, December 12, 2002) on setting the basic interest rate of the National Bank of Slovakia with effect from January 1, 2003.
The basic interest rate of the NBS is its two-week REPO tender limit rate. The terms “discount rate of the National Bank of Slovakia” and “discount rate of the State Bank of Czecho-Slovakia” used in certain generally binding legal regulations shall mean the basic interest rate of the National Bank of Slovakia.
The level of the discout rate of the NBS is identical with the level of “the NBS two-week REPO tender limit rate”, with effect from January 1, 2002.