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Statement from the NBS Bank Board's 16th meeting of 2016

The Bank Board of Národná banka Slovenska today (16 August) held its 16th meeting of 2016, chaired by Jozef Makúch, the NBS Governor.

The Bank Board approved an amendment to the issue plans for Slovak commemorative and collector coins for 2017 and 2018. A €10 silver collector coin commemorating the 1150th anniversary of the recognition of the Slavonic liturgical language was removed from the issue plan for 2017 and added to the plan for 2018 (and the coin’s title in Slovak was also modified).

Further information on the issue plans for commemorative and collector coins may be found on the NBS website.

The Bank Board approved the announcement of the issuance of a €10 silver collector coin commemorating the 400th anniversary of the death of Juraj Turzo (György Thurzó in Hungarian).

Designed by Peter Valach and produced by the Kremnica Mint in Slovakia, the euro collector coin is an alloy of silver (90%) and copper (10%), weighs 18 g, and measures 34 mm in diameter. It is due to go on sale in October 2016.

Martina Solčányiová
NBS Spokesperson

National Bank of Slovakia
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