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150th anniversary of the birth of Ladislav Nádaši-Jégé
€10 silver collector coin
Ladislav Nádaši-Jégé (12 February 1866 – 2 July 1940) was one of the central figures of Slovak literature in the interwar period and a leading exponent of Slovak literary naturalism. In the first phase of his writing, during the late 1880s and 1890s, he produced satirical prose works including Žart (Joke), Vada (Defect), Výhody spoločenského života (The upsides of social life), Omyl (Error), Kúra (Cure), and Pomsta (Revenge). His second phase, covering the 1920s and 1930s, was marked by a tendency towards historicism and by a gradual shift away from short stories and novellas to novels. Among the notable works from this time were Wieniawského legenda (Wieniawski’s legend, 1922), Adam Šangala (1924), Kuruci (1925), Magister rytier Donč (Knight Donč the Magister, 1926), Horymír (1926), and Svätopluk (1928). Besides prose, Nádaši-Jégé wrote plays, articles on health awareness and works of literary journalism. In the novel Cesta životom (Journey through life, 1930), he returned to a more contemporary topic – the petit bourgeoisie of Slovak society from the 1890s to 1918 – through which he elaborated his pessimistic and ironic perception of the world. His later work also featured humorous prose centred on village life.
Coin description
The obverse of the coin depicts a book listing the best known titles of Jégé’s literary works and in the right bottom corner it is accompanied by the historical figure of a sitting warrior. To the left of the book there is the coat of arms of the Slovak Republic and the sign of a nominal value of 10 EURO. The name of the state SLOVENSKO is situated in the lower part of the coin field. The date 2016 is below it. The Kremnica mint mark is to the left of the date and the mark of designer Asamat Baltaev to the right of it.Reverse:
A portrait of Ladislav Nádaši-Jégé is depicted on the reverse of the coin. Below, in two lines stands the name LADISLAV NÁDAŠI-JÉGÉ and the dates of his birth and death 1866 – 1940 are below the name.
Coin details
Designer: Asamat Baltaev, DiS. Composition: .900 silver, .100 copper Weight: 18 g Diameter: 34 mm Edge: – PROZAIK – PUBLICISTA – LITERÁRNY KRITIK
(Prosaist – publicist – literary reviewer)Producer: Kremnica Mint Engraver: Dalibor Schmidt Issuing volume: 5,600 in proof quality Issuing date: 19 January 2016