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100th anniversary of the first blood transfusion in Slovakia

The national side of the commemorative euro coin

Designer: Mária Poldaufová
Issuing volume: 995,000 euro coins in circulation quality
5,000 euro coins in proof-like quality
Issuing date: 2 March 2023

  • Coin description

    The centre of the national side design features an equilateral cross as an internationally recognised symbol of medical aid, hope and humanity. Inscribed in each arm is one of the four blood groups: A, B, 0, and AB. Incused within the cross are two more equilateral crosses, one within the other, with a drop of blood appearing at the centre of this image. Depicted around the central cross are the equally spaced lower parts of eight test tubes, each containing an incused stylised blood drop. Between each tube is a blood drop in relief. To the right of the bottom tube are the stylised initials ‘MP’, referring to the national side’s designer Mária Poldaufová; to the left is the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the letters ‘MK’ placed between two dies. Around most of the edge of the coin’s inner part is the inscription ‘PRVÁ TRANSFÚZIA KRVI 1923 – 2023’ (in English the words mean ‘first blood transfusion’). Along the lower part of the edge is the name of the issuing country ‘SLOVENSKO’, with a dot on either side separating it from the inscription. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European flag.