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Next coin to be issued

€10 silver collector coin
100th anniversary of the first international sports tournament in the territory of the Slovak Republic – the Ice Hockey European Championship

Issuing date: 20 January 2025

Limited mintage: 5,300 euro coins in brilliant uncirculated quality
12,000 euro coins in proof quality

Designer: Karol Ličko

Banknotes and coins, Next coin to be issued
Banknotes and coins, Next coin to be issued

€2 commemorative coin
100th anniversary of the first international sports tournament in the territory of the Slovak Republic – the Ice Hockey European Championship

Issuing date: 20 January 2025

Limited mintage: 995,000 euro coins in circulation quality
5,000 euro coins in proof-like quality

Designer: Karol Ličko

Banknotes and coins, Next coin to be issued