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UNESCO World Heritage – Bardejov Heritage Site
200 Sk commemorative silver coin

The town of Bardejov, administrative and cultural centre of the upper Šariš region, is located in the north-east part of Slovakia. The ancient royal borough offers a wealth of historic sights and is one of the most valuable urban complexes in Slovakia. The secular and ecclesiastical buildings giving the town a medieval appearance were built in the heyday of the town in the 14th and 15th centuries. The most valuable building is the historic Church of St. Egídius. Its eleven Gothic altars with panel paintings forming the altar wings are unique in the world. Worth of attention is the historic square bordered by Gothic and Renaissance town houses and the town hall from the beginning of the 16th century. The Gothic fortification is one of the best-preserved bulwarks within the European context. In 2000, the historic town centre including the well-preserved buildings of the Jewish synagogue and ritual baths was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Coin description
In the middle of the obverse of the coin the main architectural features of the Bardejov town square – the Church of St. Aegidius and the town hall – are depicted. Above the buildings the state shield is placed. The name of the state SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA appears along the upper edge of the coin and the nominal value 200 Sk is given on the bottom of the coin. To the left of the church tower is the mark of the Kremnica Mint and below it the stylised initials of the designer Ján Černaj.
In the middle of the reverse of the coin an ancient plan of the town with medieval fortification is depicted, together with the town’s coat of arms to its right. The inscription SVETOVÉ DEDIČSTVO UNESCO (UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE) is placed along the upper edge of the coin, below appears the coinage date 2004. At the lower edge of the coin the town’s name BARDEJOV is inscribed.
Coin details
Designer: Ján Černaj Material: Ag 750, Cu 250 Weight: 20 g Diameter: 34 mm Edge: inscription: “WORLD HERITAGE – PATRIMOINE MONDIAL” Producer: Kremnica Mint (Slovak Republic) Engraver: Dalibor Schmidt Issuing volume: 3,600 in proof quality Issuing date: 30 August 2004