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Nature and countryside conservation – Nízke Tatry (Low Tatras) National Park
500 Sk commemorative silver coin

The Low Tatras were declared a National Park in 1978 on a territory covering nearly 73 thousand hectares. Its wildlife and natural landscapes rank it among the most significant geographic regions in Slovakia. An extensive system of karst topography is found across its territory. Among the most outstanding karst valleys belong Janska dolina and Demänovská dolina, which contain the deepest and longest system of caves in Slovakia. The colorful geologic structure of the landscape, which ranges from 355 to 2043 meters above sea level, the uneven relief and long-time use of the land create conditons for a variety of diverse biotopes and many species of fauna and flora. The populations of brown bear, gray wolf, Eurasian lynx, golden eagle, black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouse, pygmy owl and Tengmalm’s owl living here are crucial for the existence of these species in Slovakia. Among the flora, the Tatran ochre moss and the Slovak dame’s violet, which do not occur anywhere else in the world, and species of breakstone and parsley fern, which are found nowhere else in Slovakia, are worth mentioning. Other attractive wildflowers include Edelweiss, the Slovak pasque flower, the Clusius’ gentian and Carpathian snowbells.
Coin description
The upper field of the obverse of the coin depicts the highest peak of Low Tatras, Ďumbier. Soldanella carpathica flowers are placed to the right of it, to the left is the name of the country, SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA, together with its coat of arms. The year 2008 is at the bottom of the coin, near the edge.Reverse:
The reverse shows a brown bear, the symbol of the National Park, surrounded by dwarf pine shrubs. The coin’s nominal value, 500 Sk, is located to the right of it, and the name of the park, NÁRODNÝ PARK NÍZKE TATRY, is given on the left side. Below the name are the stylized initials of the forename and surname of Karol Ličko, the coin designer, and the mark of the Kremnica Mint.
Coin details
Designer: Karol Ličko Composition: Ag 925, Cu 75 Weight: 33.63 g Diameter: 40 mm Edge: relief inscription OCHRANA PRÍRODY A KRAJINY
(Protection of nature and landscape)Producer: Kremnica Mint Engraver: Dalibor Schmidt Issuing volume: 4,300 coins in brilliant uncirculated quality
4,800 coins in proof qualityIssuing date: 13 May 2008