sk sk

Nature and countryside conservation – 50th anniversary of the Tatra National Park

500 Sk commemorative silver coin

Banknotes and coins, Nature and countryside conservation – 50th anniversary of the Tatra National Park
Banknotes and coins, Nature and countryside conservation – 50th anniversary of the Tatra National Park

The Tatras National Park (TANAP) is situated in the northern part of Slovakia on the frontier with Poland, and with the neighbouring Polish national park, forms a bilateral protected territory. It was declared in 1949, as a result of long term efforts to protect its unique natural features, with its rarely preserved mountain and high mountain ecosystems and unique species of flora and fauna, from growing economic and tourist use. The TANAP has an area of almost 76 thousand hectares and includes Vysoké Tatry, Belianske Tatry and Zapadné Tatry.

Vysoke Tatry (The High Tatras) are the highest mountains in Slovakia and in the whole Carpathian arc. The main ridge measures only 26 km, making the Tatras one of the smallest in area among the high mountain ranges of the world, but at the same time, one of the most beautiful. A large number of features of scenic beauty are concentrated in this small area: high mountain peaks, glaciated valleys, lakes, waterfalls, a varied range of plants and animals. The highest peak is Gerlachovský štít (2655 m).

  • Coin description

    An adult and a young Tatran chamois and Leontopodium alpinum flowers are depicted against a rock wall on the obverse of the coin. The coat of arms, the name of the state SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA, the initials of the designer Milan Virčík and the Kremnica mintmark are placed in the lower part of the coin.

    The characteristic high mountain massif of the Vysoké Tatry and the face value of the coin appear on the upper half of the reverse of the coin. Gentiana clusii flowers and the name of the national part TATRANSKÝ NÁRODNÝ PARK are placed below the massif, with the dates 1949 – 1999, indicating the year the Tatras were declared a National Park and its fiftieth anniversary.

  • Coin details
    Designer:Milan Virčík
    Material:Ag 925, Cu 75
    Weight:33.63 g
    Diameter:40 mm
    Edge:inscription: “OCHRANA PRÍRODY A KRAJINY”
    (Protection of nature and the landscape)
    Producer:Kremnica Mint (Slovak Republic)
    Issuing volume:13,400
    of which 1,400 in proof quality
    Demonetized:700 in brilliant uncirculated quality (2006)