sk sk

150th anniversary of the codification of the Slovak language

200 Sk commemorative silver coin

Banknotes and coins, 150th anniversary of the codification of the Slovak language
Banknotes and coins, 150th anniversary of the codification of the Slovak language

Under the influence of difficult social conditions, national oppression of the Slovaks and the general European tendency towards national emancipation movements, a strong revolutionary patriotic movement has been formed in the 1830s. It was headed by: Ľudovít Štúr, Jozef Miloslav Hurban and Michal Miloslav Hodža. They significantly advanced the process of constituting the Slovaks as a modern nation, which began to demand its own constitutional position. The codification of written Slovak language was an important step in this process. The principles of the new written language were adopted at a meeting of Štúr, Hurban and Hodža at Hlboké in 1843, and later developed by Štúr in his work “Náuka reči slovenskej” (Instruction in the Slovak Language). Although there had been attempts to codify Slovak in the preceding period, Štúr’s Slovak proved to be the most advantageous and most viable. Therefore, it was acceptable to the nation as a whole.

  • Coin description

    The coat of arms of the Slovak Republic, the nominal value, year of issue and the name of the state “SLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA” are placed in the field of the coin.

    Portraits of Hurban, Štúr and Hodža are placed in the centre of the coin. The initials and surname of each person, the dates 1843 and 1993 and the inscription “150 ROKOV SPISOVNEJ SLOVENČINY” (150 years of written Slovak language) are placed below them.

  • Coin details
    Designer:Miroslav Ronai
    Material:Ag 750, Cu 250
    Weight:20 g
    Diameter:34 mm
    Producer:Kremnica Mint (Slovak Republic)
    Issuing volume:37,000
    of which 2,000 in proof quality
    Demonetized:5 682 in brilliant uncirculated quality (2002)
    500 in brilliant uncirculated quality (2006)