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Name Methodological guideline of the Financial Market Supervision Unit of Národná banka Slovenska of June 27, 2016, No. 5/2016 on assessing the fulfillment of certain conditions for the issuance of an authorization for the distribution of securities or equity participations of foreign alternative investment funds by a public offer to retail investors in the territory of the Slovak Republic
Author Národná banka Slovenska
Source Official Journal of Národná banka Slovenska
Publication date 13. 7. 2016
Version in force as of This methodological guideline is applied as of the date of its publication.
Additional information:

This methodological guideline represents the legal opinion of the National Bank of Slovakia in relation to the area of ​​collective investment.

This legal opinion will be applied during supervision by the capital market supervision department of the National Bank of Slovakia.

This methodological guideline is available only in Slovak language.