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Regulatory sandbox

A regulatory sandbox is a platform that allows participants, through consultations with the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS), to align financial innovations with regulatory requirements and practically test them in the Slovak financial market. Consultations within the sandbox are long-term and focused on the comprehensive setup of financial innovation in compliance with relevant legal regulations. After regulatory aspects are addressed, financial innovation is tested on real clients within the sandbox. However, regulatory requirements cannot be waived in the regulatory sandbox.

The regulatory sandbox has been open since January 1, 2022.

Who can participate in the regulatory sandbox, and what criteria must be met?

Eligible participants in the regulatory sandbox:
  • a supervised entity
  • a foreign supervised entity
  • an applicant for authorization
  • a service provider
  • a future supervised entity
Criteria for entry into the regulatory sandbox:
  • the applicant’s readiness to participate in the sandbox and the financial innovation’s readiness for testing
  • the necessity of testing
  • innovativeness
  • positive impact on clients in the Slovak financial market and no significant negative impact on financial stability in Slovakia

The NBS assesses compliance with all criteria based on its Methodology for Evaluating Entry Criteria for the Regulatory Sandbox.

The NBS allows an applicant to enter the regulatory sandbox if:
  • they have a clean criminal record
  • the subject of consultation concerns the application of generally binding legal regulations within the NBS’s jurisdiction
  • the applicant meets all entry criteria for the sandbox

How does the regulatory sandbox work?

Participation in the regulatory sandbox consists of the following phases:

Application process for the regulatory sandbox

  • The applicant submits a completed application to the NBS either in physical format (.docx) or electronically.
  • The NBS confirms receipt of the application, assesses the formal and substantive requirements, and, if necessary, requests the applicant to correct any deficiencies or supplement the application.
  • The NBS organizes an informational meeting to obtain more detailed information about the applicant and the application.
  • Within two months from the date of receiving a complete application, the NBS informs the applicant whether they will be allowed to enter the regulatory sandbox. (This two-month deadline does not apply to entities interested in cross-border testing.)

Participants in the testing phase of the regulatory sandbox

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)