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Directory of identification codes for the domestic payment system in Slovak Republic
Version: 219
Effective from: 3. 6. 2024
SWIFT | CODE | ||||||
BANK | BIC | Numeric | Alphabetic | Active party | NAME Domestic payment service provider | ||
SUBA | SK | BX | 0200 | SUBA | C | Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. | |
GIBA | SK | BX | 0900 | SLSP | C | Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s. | |
NBSB | SK | BX | 0720 | NBSL | C | Národná banka Slovenska | |
TATR | SK | BX | 1100 | TATR | C | Tatra banka, a.s. | |
UNCR | SK | BX | 1111 | UNCR | C | UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky | |
SLZB | SK | BA | 3000 | SLZB | C | Slovenská záručná a rozvojová banka, a.s. | |
LUBA | SK | BX | 3100 | LUBA | C | Prima banka Slovensko, a.s. – kód pre dobeh platieb | |
KOMA | SK | 2X | 5600 | PKBA | C | Prima banka Slovensko, a.s. | |
PRVA | SK | BA | 5900 | PSSP | C | Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa, a.s. | |
POBN | SK | BA | 6500 | PABK | C | 365.bank, a.s. | |
INGB | SK | BX | 7300 | INGBSA | Ø | ING Bank N.V., pobočka zahraničnej banky | |
CEKO | SK | BX | 7500 | CEKOSA | C | Československá obchodná banka, a.s. | |
WUST | SK | BA | 7930 | SPVW | C | Wüstenrot stavebná sporiteľňa, a.s. | |
KOMB | SK | BA | 8100 | KOMBSA | C | Komerční banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky | |
BSLO | SK | 22 | 8120 | BASL | C | Privatbanka, a.s. | |
CITI | SK | BA | 8130 | CITISA | Ø | Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnej banky | |
KBSP | SK | BX | 8170 | CSOBSA | C | Československá obchodná banka, a.s. (predtým ČSOB stavebná sporiteľňa, a.s.) | |
EXSK | SK | BX | 8160 | EXSR | C | EXIMBANKA SR | |
SPSR | SK | BA | 8180 | SPSR | C | Štátna pokladnica | |
8191 | CDSA | Ø | Centrálny depozitár cenných papierov SR, a.s. | ||||
8400 | MAISSA | Ø | COFIDIS SA, pobočka zahraničnej banky | ||||
JTBP | SK | BA | 8320 | JTBPSA | C | J&T BANKA, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky | |
FIOZ | SK | BA | 8330 | FIOZSA | C | Fio banka, a.s., pobočka zahraničnej banky | |
BREX | SK | BX | 8360 | BREXSA | C | mBank S.A., pobočka zahraničnej banky | |
OBKL | SK | BA | 8370 | SMWRSA | C | Oberbank AG pobočka zahraničnej banky v Slovenskej republike | |
BFKK | SK | BB | 8420 | BKSB | C | BKS Bank AG, pobočka zahraničnej banky v SR | |
9950 | PKSR | Ø | Nexi Central Europe, a.s. | ||||
TPAY | SK | BX | 9952 | TTPA | Ø | Trust Pay, a.s. | |
PANX | SK | 22 | 9955 | PANX | Ø | Unifiedpost Payments, organizačná zložka | |
9956 | PAYO | Ø | Payout a.s. | ||||
8440 | BNPASA | Ø | BNP PARIBAS PERSONAL FINANCE SA, pobočka zahraničnej banky | ||||
BPKO | SK | BB | 8450 | BPKOSA | Ø | PKO BP S.A., pobočka zahraničnej banky | |
SWIFT | CODE | ||||||
BANK | BIC | Numeric | Alphabetic | Active party | NAME Foreign payment service provider | ||
FIOB | CZ | PP | 2010 | FIOZ | C | Fio banka, a.s. | |
JTBP | CZ | PP | 5800 | JTBP | C | J&T BANKA, a.s. | |
EXPN | CZ | PP | 4000 | EXPN | C | Max banka a.s. | |
MPUB | CZ | PP | 2070 | MPUB | C | TRINITY BANK a.s. | |
PMBP | CZ | PP | 6000 | PMBP | C | PPF banka a.s. | |
AGBA | CZ | PP | 0600 | AGBA | C | MONETA Money Bank, a.s. | |
AIRA | CZ | PP | 3030 | AIRA | C | Air bank a.s. |
Description of the data in the directory
+ = indicates a change in a row as a difference from the previous version
SWIFT = identification code of the banka ( 8 char.)
Consisting of the bank code (4 char.), the country code (2 char.) and the localization code (2 char.)
CODE = Bank code / Entity code
Numeric – numerical identification code for domestic payments (4 char.)
Alphabetic – character identification code for domestic payments (4/6 char.)
Acitve party:
C = active party in payment system SIPS
Ø = is not a party in PS SIPS
K = limited participation – credit operations only
Name = Name od the bank / entity
Cancelation of bank code 8430 KDB Bank Europe Ltd., pobočka zahraničnej banky