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Our Statistics
Insights into euro area statistics
This document provides the users with short explanations from selected statistical topic, in an easy-to-share format.
Banks’ Corner
This download area is designed to give all EU banks easy access to key euro area and national statistics. Developed in collaboration with the European Banking Federation and provides data for bank interest rates, bank balance sheet statistics, and data on securities issues.
- Bank interest rate statistics
- Bank balance sheet statistics
- Securities statistics (stocks and flows)
- Supervisory Banking Statistics
“Our statistics” can be accessed by clicking the logo or https://www.euro-area-statistics.org/ . This new website aims to facilitate the comparison and reuse of core euro area and national statistics.
Latest topics:
- 4Q 2021: Growth in loans to households continues to increase steadily
- 2Q 2021: Household saving rate during COVID-19
- 1Q 2021: The euro short-term rate (€STR) is the euro overnight money market interest rate
- 4Q 2020: Financial wealth of euro area households
- 1Q 2020: Housing loans: Growth rates in housing loans are steadily increasing in the euro area
- 3Q 2019: Payment methods: Euro area card payments double in a decade
- 2Q 2019: Crypto assets: developments and perspectives
- 4Q 2018: Developments in the market value of listed shares vary across the euro area
- 2Q 2018: Corporate debt ratio varies across the euro area
- 4Q 2017: Investment funds in the euro area
- 2Q 2017: Positive trend in euro area bank loans to corporates continues
- 4Q 2016: Current account balance of the euro area
- 1Q 2016: Euro area interest rates on bank loans
- 4Q 2015: Issuance of debt securities by euro area residents