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About the Bank

The primary objective of the NBS is to maintain price stability

Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) was established on 1 January 1993 by Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 566/1992 Coll. on the National Bank of Slovakia as the independent central bank of the Slovak Republic.

From the euro introduction date, i.e. from 1 January 2009, Slovakia became the part of the Eurosystem which forms the system of central banking in the euro area within the European System of Central Banks.

Core business areas of the NBS:

  • is involved in the common monetary policy determined by the European Central Bank for the whole euro area,
  • issues euro banknotes and coins according to separate regulations valid in the euro area related to issuing euro banknotes and coins,
  • promotes the smooth operation of payment systems and clearing systems, regulates and coordinates and ensures currrency circulation, payment system and clearing of payment system data and is concerned with its smoothness and economic efficiency,
  • maintains and disposes of foreign reserve assets and implements foreign exchange operations according to separate regulations applicable to Eurosystem operations,
  • conducts other activities resulting from its participation in the European System of Central Banks.

NBS, in the financial market area, contributes to the financial system stability as a whole, as well as to the safe and sound financial market functioning in order to sustain the financial market credibility, clients´ protection and complying with competition rules. Concurrently, NBS conducts financial market supervision, i.e. it conducts supervision of banks, branch offices of foreign banks, investment firms, intermediaries of investment services, stock exchanges, management companies, mutual funds and collective investment undertakings, reinsurance undertakings, pension fund managing companies, pension funds, supplementary pension fund managing companies and other supervised entities of the Slovak financial market.

The supreme governing body of the NBS is the Bank Board. The Bank Board ought to consist of six members (pursuant to Article 7 of the Act on the National Bank of Slovakia). Members of the Bank Board shall be the Governor, two Vice-Governors and three other members.

The Governor and Vice-Governors shall be appointed and dismissed by the President of the Slovak Republic upon the recommendation of the Government and with approval of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. Three other members of the Bank Board shall be appointed and dismissed by the Government upon recommendation of the Governor of Národná banka Slovenska. The members of the Bank Board shall be appointed for a term of six years.

Since 1st June 2019 the head of the NBS is Mr Peter Kažimír.

Apart from its headquarters, Národná banka Slovenska has five regional offices.

The National Bank of Slovakia – its tasks and activities [.pdf, 10161.9 kB]

Národná banka Slovenska – its tasks in the Eurosystem [.pdf, 694.8 kB]