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Payment service providers

Payment institutions subject to supervision by Národná banka Slovenska (NBS) are legal entities which may provide payment services under an authorisation issued by NBS pursuant to Act No 492/2009 Coll. on payment services (‘the Act’).

NBS issues or amends authorisations to provide payment services after approving the written application for such authorisation or amendment. These applications must contain the elements stipulated in Article 64 of the Act.


Regarding the submission of applications for an authorisation to provide payment services, NBS has issued Decree No 14/2011 laying down certain details concerning the authorisation of payment institutions and electronic money institutions.

Further details about the conditions required to be met in order to be authorised to provide payment services are set out in Methodological Guideline No 5/2012 of the Financial Market Supervision Unit of Národná banka Slovenska concerning the application process for an authorisation to provide payment services under Article 64 of the Payment Services Act.

Other decrees, methodological guidelines and recommendations concerning the business of payment institutions may be found here by selecting “Payment service providers” from the dropdown menu “Regulatory field”.
